Wednesday, July 19, 2006

view from the balcony

view from the balcony, originally uploaded by melissaintimor.

I just got back from the Ministry of the Interior, where I applied for a new visa. They come in one-month increments. I have five weeks down and three-and-a-half to go. So much to do still!! Anyway, I have to leave my passport at the immigration office for a week to get the visa, which is a frightening prospect. It makes me nervous in normal circumstance having to leave a passport anywhere (even in proper consulates and embassies in North America), but it honestly is a concern here… last month, when the government was essentially suspended, all government offices were closed and everyone applying for a visa at the time had their passports “trapped” until further notice. I’m told that various embassies here issued temporary travel documents during the emergency, but I’m just very thankful to have two passports.

But, as I mentioned earlier, I can’t foresee another emergency in the near future. After word that the Aussie Embassy reduced their travel advisory, the US Embassy followed suit and lifted their mandatory evacuation order.

And just as life in Timor is reverting to normal, things in my immediate life are returning to normal – if I can use that word considering I’ve only been here a month? Remember I had been living with the director of my ngo and her fiancé, and their house was completely ransacked a few weeks back? After salvaging what little was left by the thieves -- perpetrators? neighbors? I never really know what to call them -- we moved into a hotel until they could find a new place to live… the old house was not only too unsafe -- robbed twice, could be robbed again, and in a now sketchy neighbourhood -- but the idea was just too traumatic. So, they just found a new home, and we moved in a few of days ago.

The place is pretty amazing for Timor standards: three spacious bedrooms, high ceilings, AC, and a large living room-dining rooms… and it also has a nice view of the Balide Church across street, with the hills in the background. Unfortunately, the place was furnished with relatively tacky furniture quite reminiscent of classic Eastern European design ☺ but that’s easy to remedy with a little home decorating. If anything, it’s just so nice to settle into a real place… again. After living out of my two bags for seven weeks, it felt good to put stuff on a shelf and eat breakfast and dinner at home.

ahhh…such a novelty!

In other news, I've *finally* figured out how to load photos onto this site. Yah! Definitely, there will be more to come...


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